Friday, 9 September 2016

Back To School

This week marked the start of a new chapter for me. I began classes at the University of British Columbia in the education program. In 12 months I will (hopefully) be the proud holder of a shiny new B.Ed degree, with my focus being music education for students in secondary school.

The transition has already been difficult; having to say goodbye to most of my private students was not easy. I'm also not looking forward to likely needing to turn down some gigs, although I will of course continue to perform as much as I can reasonably manage.

By all accounts this program is one that will keep be very busy, but I'm looking forward to learning lots as I embark on this new part of my music career.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

2016 summer update

Lots of exciting gigs so far this summer and still more to come. Los Furios has some busy months ahead of us including the Legends Valley Music Festival on Vancouver Island, the Surrey Reggae Festival, and Non-Stop Ska Festival in Mexico City. More to be announced soon.

On another note, I will be going back to school this September for my B.Ed at UBC. I will continue to gig as much as possible during and after my program, but my private teaching practice will be reduced during the next year as I make time for my own educational commitments. 

Friday, 19 February 2016

No Island Feb 27

Saturday Feb 27 - Studio Records (919 Granville St)
7:30pm - $10 advance tickets, $12 at the door

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

February Gigs

Feb 7

Los Furios with The Toasters

The Rickshaw Theatre

Facebook event page:



Feb 11

Space Elevator

The Fox Cabaret Theatre

This is a brand new project I'm involved in. It is experimental Big Band music composed by my former Ivy League Brawlers bandmate Mike Allen. 5 saxophones, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, 2 guitarists, 2 drummers, with keyboards and bass to round everything out. Things will be crazy, loud, and unforgettable. You might want to bring ear plugs.

Facebook event page:



Feb 27

No Island

Studio Records Granville

No Island is returning to the Vancouver stage after a recent announcement. Details to come soon.