Thursday, 3 January 2013

+ 2012 in Review

Wow, what an exciting and rewarding year it's been! If my math is correct, in 2012 I played 65 shows (71 if you count playing in 2 bands at the same show) with 8 different groups (9 if you count a solo gig...), and participated in 10 different recording sessions. Jazz, rock, reggae, R&B, punk, Motown, electro-funk (or, something...), and even a bit of choral music were all in the picture. Additionally, I graduated with my music degree, embarked on my very first tour, had 2 EPs released, and taught a ton of lessons and clinics.

Some of my personal musical highlights of 2012 include:
  • Playing with all 3 of my rock bands on the same night (at 2 different shows).
  • Performing twice with Criminal Caterpillar. It is always an honour and a pleasure playing with bands which I am not a member of.
  • My Graduation Recital in the Birch Theatre at Capilano University. Or more specifically, just the fact that I graduated.
  • Performing with the Capilano University A Band at The Banff Centre.
  • My experiences with Los Furios: recording and releasing an EP, playing the big outdoor stage at the Victoria Ska Fest, being featured on Urban Rush, opening for The English Beat.
  • My first ever, self-booked, and entirely successful tour of western Canada with No Island.
  • Finding regular and rewarding work as a private music teacher.
  • The return of The Ivy League Brawlers at the end of the year, particularly the 2 gigs they shared with Los Furios. Those shows were insane, and they were magic.
  • A new digital EP with No Island, our first release since our debut CD.
It's been a great year full of amazing new experiences and awesome times. Here's hoping that 2013 might be even more grand.

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